What plans do you have to succeed in 2015?

It’s almost time for that “new year, new me” rubbish. Are you one of “those” people who wait until the beginning of the year to make pointless resolutions that are needlessly aimed at the areas of your life you don’t particularly like? Like all pointless promises those resolutions will become regrets that haunt you for a month – that is, until they are abandoned so your much desired comfort can come rushing back into your world.

Successful people don’t make this mistake. Successful people have a much better approach. This approach is not limited to the elite, it’s not a secret and you can choose to adopt it any time you choose. Imagine aiming to be successful more than once a year?

I spend quite a bit of my time working with successful people. I help them to be successful on purpose and in my business I call this “Success By Design”. This is a pretty simple process that can be adopted by anyone. Instead of immersing yourself in premature Christmas decorating and gift-buying, grab a cuppa, a pencil and a notebook and begin planning your success for 2015 before it arrives.

Ask yourself to identify the things that you haven’t enjoyed in 2014. If you want to be really honest with yourself, look for the results that are not good and try to identify the cause of them. For instance, an unhappy family will be caused by too many distractions and not enough quality time for each family member. Target the cause and you’ll remedy the result.

I like to think ahead in terms of what is truly important to my family and me. We tend to make our goals in line with our values and we find this creates a higher level of commitment and, therefore, success. It’s also more fulfilling to achieve something that’s important to us instead of something that’s important to someone else!

I made a mistake this year of planning my mid-year break too late in the year and we all suffered for it, (a frazzled dad makes for a stressful home!) So we’ve already blocked out a portion of time for a holiday earlier next year and the kids are excited as they discuss the location and various activities.

You may note that I’ve talked about family goals before I’ve mentioned business goals or financial goals. I’m clear on what’s important to me and I base my ambitions and my activity on my priorities. You can be sure I also have goals for clearing debt, growing assets and achieving professional success. But these never take precedence over the family goals.

Don’t wait to plan your success and don’t leave it to someone else. You are the master of your destiny because you hold the steering wheel. When you are intentional about where your life is going and what it stands for you can make clear, progressive decisions that will ensure you have success by design.