The cause of your emotional consternation

There’s a human condition that’s the cause of much emotional consternation and financial constipation and it’s painful and annoying for many who suffer it repeatedly.  This condition is well demonstrated by a question someone asked me recently; “Why do I feel that the money I earn is not always enough even after my earnings have increased by quite a lot in the last few years?”

I call this condition the ‘Never Enough Syndrome”, and it’s more common than you might think. You may recognise it as the ‘Live to Your Earnings’ financial plan that is adopted by you and many of your friends. This will look like you increasing your spending every time you get access to more money, so that you can expand your personal enjoyment of the moment. However, just because stress and blockage among your friends is common that doesn’t make it normal!

It’s ironic that the emotional consternation that’s caused by your financial constipation may have well started with stress. That’s right, putting yourself into a position where you experience financial stress quite possibly caused your anxiety over money problems. This heavy burden of pressure that is not normal for you has an internal consequence that brings waves of pain and discomfort.

A quick online diagnosis and search for remedies shows that constipation can be cured through proper consumption of water and fibre partnered with a regular exercise regime. In the same way, your financial constipation that is caused by you feeling like you never have enough can be cured with a simple plan for financial health.

Firstly, this is a good opportunity for a self-imposed financial health check. Take my Wisemoney online Financial Health Check and you’ll quickly discover the areas in your financial life that need addressing. The emotional consternation you’re currently experiencing should be enough motivation to seek change. Accept any minor discomfort that comes from the small adjustments you need to make as a small price to access positive changes that will improve your financial health.

Secondly, take a long-term view. After helping people with their money for a very long time I am certain that most financial issues stem from a short-term focus. People are more concerned about today than tomorrow. Most financial decisions are motivated by a desire for instant gratification with no thought for the future. When we make decisions that are based on a long-term goal we feel better about our choices and more in control. This will most definitely curb the unhealthy financial consumption (or waste) that you’re currently seeing.

Finally, get financially fit. Yes, try exercising in a healthy way. Set a goal to save a thousand bucks and see how easy it is. Your heart will feel stronger because of this. Pay off a debt and feel the benefits of being lighter on your feet.

When you make the effort to develop healthy financial disciplines you’ll begin to notice more regular patterns in your movements, and that will cure your emotional consternation, for sure.